TCM to Look Younger


Almost all of my patients come to me for symptom relief, and that takes many forms: physical pain or discomfort, allergies, anxiety and depression, side effects of medical treatments. But acupuncture also has benefits for less acute needs—like relaxation, emotional wellness and, yes, even looking younger. 

I talk a lot about acupuncture’s benefits when it comes to stress, anxiety, depression and general well-being, and those are all important pieces of your overall wellness. There’s a reason the internet loves to show pictures of US presidents side-by-side at the start and end of their terms—the stress of the job inevitably takes a physical toll in those four or eight years. 

But why? Well, lots of reasons. Stress triggers the hormone cortisol, which in turn causes your body to overproduce the oil in your skin glands that causes breakouts and other skin conditions. And stress also can change the proteins in your skin, weakening the elasticity that prevents wrinkles. Even if you aren’t stressed, an internal imbalance is often the trigger for common skin conditions, including everything from moles to freckles to creases. 

Those are some pretty simple examples, but they paint a good picture of just how interwoven and connected our bodies really are. That’s the beauty of acupuncture: We look at your whole body. You can use all the skin creams in the world, but addressing the underlying problem is where you’ll actually make a real, lasting difference.

So let’s talk about looking younger, if that’s what you’re going for. (Personally, I think you’re beautiful just the way you are.) Regular acupuncture treatments lower your stress and anxiety levels, contribute to overall health and wellness, and promote circulation and blood flow. That last one is a big deal! It can soften wrinkles, help with bags under your eyes and even get you moving easier. 

Plus, acupuncture helps with joint pain, physical discomforts and energy levels—all necessary for your wellness routine, whether you’re doing yoga, going for a run or meditating in your home. And we all know a solid wellness routine leaves you feeling energized, healthier and, yes, younger. 

In health and wellness,

Julie Grogan