Are you ready to quit smoking?

Did you know that acupuncture is a highly effective method for quitting smoking?  The average smoker, when going through the withdrawal period, can suffer through up to 20 cravings a day.  Acupuncture can reduce these cravings to five to six per day.  It can also alleviate other withdrawal symptoms, such as irritability, anxiety and difficulty concentrating.  Acupuncture increases the body’s ability to process toxins by improving the circulation of Qi (pronounced, “chi”) and blood, and enhancing the function of the internal organs.  There have even been reports that acupuncture changes a cigarette’s taste, making it unpleasantly bitter or like burning ash, thereby reducing one’s urge to smoke.  This being said, a smoker must be dedicated to quitting.   If you or a loved one is ready to quit smoking and interested in trying acupuncture to help you through the process, please contact us.

Julie Grogan