4 Tips for Needle Fear


Fear of the unknown is a very real thing, and if your only experience with needles has been in the doctor’s office, it’s easy to conjure up images of your last flu shot when thinking of acupuncture. The good news is, those big medical needles couldn’t be more different from tiny acupuncture needles, and a little understanding can go a long way toward helping you overcome your fear. Here are four tips to help you calm your nerves before your first appointment. 

1. Do your homework
So much of our fear comes from the unknown, and taking just a few minutes to learn more about acupuncture and the needles we use can go a long way toward relieving some of your anxiety over your first appointment. Our blog is a great resource for what to expect, how acupuncture works, and even what acupuncture needles look and feel like. I also read a great trick the other day: If you’re hung up on the word “needle,” think of them as guides (Which they are!) so you don’t associate them with something scary. Because the truth is, acupuncture needles are nothing like the needles you know! So get that syringe, sewing needle and stick pin out of your head!

And don’t forget to take the time to choose the right acupuncturist for you. The more you know about the person treating you, the more comfortable you’ll be when you … 

2. Talk to your acupuncturist
If you’re nervous, tell me! It’s especially helpful if you mention any concerns when scheduling your appointment, so we can both plan to take the time and talk through how you’re feeling before you get all the way to the treatment room. The last thing we want is for your nerves to get the better of you right when you’re hoping to relax and feel better. If you’re overwhelmed or very anxious, you probably won’t feel the benefits you’re looking for. So it’s better to talk through your concerns and maybe even reschedule your appointment than to push through your fear. 

3. Breathe
A relaxed patient is a happy patient! If your fear of needles is minor or you’re just a little nervous about your appointment, taking a few calming deep breaths can go a long way toward settling your mind and your body. And then keep it up! Acupuncture should be relaxing, so you’ll likely calm down, rest and maybe even fall asleep during your treatment.

4. Remember, you’re in control
You call the shots. Most people don’t feel acupuncture needles at all, but if something does hurt, tell me! Any needle can be removed and adjusted for a better experience. Too warm or too cold? Our rooms have individual temperature controls, bed warmers and heat lamps that can be adjusted to your comfort level. Acupuncture is about so much more than needles—whether we’re using non-needle techniques or you’re just relaxing to the sounds, smells, temperature and quiet time.

Julie Grogan