Beat the School Germs


Whether you're a teacher or a parent, you definitely know back-to-school means back to germs. It's true! Way back when my daughter started school, it brought a whole new world of colds into our life, and of course they always hit hardest when she was introduced to a new classroom and a new set of kids with their own unique germs. 

Many of us are on higher alert for the first signs of sniffles and coughs after the past few years, but you can be sure back-to-school colds will still find their way into our lives. I don't treat kids in my practice (although some acupuncturists do), but for parents, teachers and other school employees, acupuncture can be a helpful way to fend off some of this season's bugs. 

Studies have found that Chinese medicine can reduce upper respiratory tract infections and shorten illnesses. And Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, can even be an effective way to stop the common cold in its tracks. There are even some things you can do at home to help you feel better right away. 

Like always, our focus is on helping you avoid getting sick in the first place. So that’s what we’re talking about here. But if you do find yourself under the weather, acupuncture and TCM also have good ways to ease your symptoms and help you start feeling better.

Boost immunity and lower stress: Regular acupuncture helps boost immunity, and just one treatment can lower stress and anxiety, which we know can make us more prone to illness when they’re running high. Stronger immunity and lower stress are two of the biggest cold-fighting benefits out there, so not only will you feel more relaxed after your appointment, but your virus-beating system will get a boost, too.

Cover up your neck: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, the back of your neck and upper part of your back are known as the Wind Gate, where your body is especially prone to the wind’s ability to penetrate your skin. Long before Western medicine knew much about germs, Chinese medicine taught that wind and cold invade the body and cause illness. And wind often brings cold with it, which is why your first symptoms of a cold often include neck pain a day or two before your throat becomes sore and the sniffles begin. So be sure to grab a scarf before you head outside! 

Diet also plays a big part in boosting immunity and preparing our bodies for a decrease in summer’s Yang energy and increase in the Yin energy of fall’s cooler weather. Avoiding fatty and oily foods, sugar, and cool or cold dairy products can help prevent things like bronchitis and sinusitis. And be sure to focus on foods that nourish your body’s energy, like oats, millet, corn, rice, carrots, leeks, radishes, cauliflower, beef and lamb. If you do think you’ve caught a cold, look to garlic, cinnamon, chili, ginger and onions to offset internal cold. 

Herbs: Drinking the right herbs (often in a tea) can also help your body naturally heal and fight colds. Sage honey is great for easing cold symptoms. 

GINGER SOUP If you do feel a cold coming on, here’s a simple ginger soup recipe to help rebalance your energy. While it is a soup, drinking it throughout the day, similar to a tea, should bring you some relief. Ingre.png

Traditional Chinese Medicine is all about balance, both internally and externally. The more balanced your body is and the more balanced it is with its environment, the stronger your immune system will be. It’s easy to grab an over-the-counter suppressant when you’re feeling under the weather, but it’s also important to remember that those only mask your symptoms. 

Acupuncture before you’re even sick will help fend off illness and boost your natural immune response, as well as lesson the effects if you do catch a cold or flu this season. With the weather cooling off and kids back to school, now is the perfect time to start building up your immunity for the coming season. 

In health and wellness,

Julie Grogan