Concentration Exercises You Can Do At Home

You might think of concentration as just staying focused, but both of these mental exercises (that you can do right at home!) are great for calming your mind at bedtime.

Exercise 1: Close your eyes and concentrate on the blackness of your eyelids. Your mind will wander, but that’s OK; when it does, just bring it back to your focus. After a while, you should begin to see images that will eventually turn into a lucid dream.

Exercise 2: Like before, close your eyes and concentrate on the blackness of your eyelids. Instead of letting your mind wander, this time, mentally walk around your living space. Look at the windows, decor, walls, but don’t judge your home, just remember how things look. You’ll eventually also shift into a dream.

Let me know if you try them!

In health and wellness,

Julie Grogan