3 Reasons Why You Feel Tired

We all know energy is one of the body’s most important elements. But finding the right balance of rest and energy can be hard. Acupuncture can help with the underlying conditions that are making you feel tired, and while some are obvious, it’s a long list: lack of sleep, overexertion, poor diet, stress, temperature extremes. (I’m sure you can list a dozen more without too much effort!)

Others, though, are deeply rooted in Traditional Chinese Medicine—and that’s where acupuncture comes in. Here are three of the more common reasons you might be feeling tired and how acupuncture can rebalance your body for both better sleep and more energy.

Qi deficiency
Simply put, Qi is your body’s vital energy, and a deficiency means your body doesn’t have enough energy to meet its needs. In addition to fatigue, a Qi deficiency might cause spontaneous sweating, a weak pulse, shortness of breath or a swollen tongue. To help replenish your Qi, your acupuncturist will likely focus on the spleen, using a point like Ren 12 (also called Middle Epigastrium), which is located on your upper abdomen and has far-reaching benefits that also help with things like anxiety and digestive issues. 

Liver Qi stagnation
Your liver Qi is an important part of your overall health, and spring is when our energy begins to move outward, helping us be more active and energetic. But liver Qi stagnation or imbalance can have the opposite effect on our energy, presenting as things like tiredness, headaches, vertigo and even anger. Liver 3 (Great Rushing) is one of my favorite points for calming emotions and rebalancing your liver Qi. It’s located on the top of your foot, between your big toe and second toe. 

In Traditional Chinese Medicine, too much dampness in the body can lead to a whole host of problems, from dull aches to arthritis to headaches and, yes, fatigue. And while it’s a common external “evil,” it’s also commonly treated with acupuncture, which can help reduce or even eliminate dampness, helping bolster and rebalance your energy levels. 

These are just three of the more common causes of fatigue that can be treated with acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine. But as always, there are other underlying conditions that could be the cause of your fatigue symptoms. Together, we can build a treatment plan that addresses the root of your fatigue and helps you rebalance your Qi for an energy-filled spring. 

In health and wellness, 

Julie Grogan