A Little Help for Holiday Stress


Most of us in the Rochester area woke up to snow on the ground today, and wow, what a reminder that winter is moving in fast! One of the most important things I want all of my patients to remember, especially with the winter holidays in full swing, is self-care. It’s especially important this time of year, when we’re all running around checking off to-do lists. 

I know, it can be hard to get a handle on self-care during life’s normal busy seasons, let alone one as unprecedented as this year. But we’re here to help! Acupuncture is a fantastic way to relieve stress, rebalance and find some quiet time for yourself. And while it’s important to focus on those things any time of year, it’s especially high on the list right now, when we’re all feeling some extra pressure to wrap up the year, adjust to some big weather changes and juggle whatever the end of 2020 is throwing our way. 

Before any acupuncture appointment, I want to know why you’re here. So when you come in, be sure to take advantage of this time together to talk about those stressors in your life. The more I know, the more I can help, because every single acupuncture appointment is tailored to your individual needs, whether that includes pain, chronic conditions, stress and anxiety, or even routine self-care. Acupuncture also has the added benefit of boosting both immunity and energy—two things we can all use a little more of, for sure! 

I still have some appointments before the end of the year, so give us a call or click here to get started. And in the meantime, check out some of our other blogs to make sure you’re getting enough sleep, eating the right foods and bundling up against our new winter chill! 

In health and wellness, 

Julie Grogan