A Little Allergy Relief from Home


Like usual, as spring enters our area and plants start to (finally) bloom, the pollen count is extra high. If your nose is itchy and congested and if you’re sneezing, that’s most likely allergies, and there are a few things you can do from the comfort of your own home to help relieve some of your discomfort.

Diet: Eliminate dampening foods, like bananas, avocados, pork, dairy, wheat, sugar, and processed or fried foods. Instead, focus on lightly cooked vegetables, whole grains, legumes, lean meat, fish and teas, including green, oolong, jasmine and raspberry leaf. 

Congestion: Banyan Botanicals Nasya Oil is great for help with nasal congestion caused by allergies. Ear seeds—small stickers that are self-applied and pressed on specific points—also can help ease symptoms and get you some relief. 

Movement: In Traditional Chinese Medicine, allergies are connected to Wei Qi, our defensive/protective Qi. A Wei Qi deficiency causes our bodies to respond to allergens in unhealthy ways: inflammation, sneezing and other common allergy symptoms. Qi Gong, or Chinese movement therapy, can help replenish Wei Qi and ease allergies. Here are two videos with simple exercises you can do at home:

Five Element Qigong: Metal (Lung)
Five Element Qigong: Earth (Spleen/Stomach)

The truth is, allergies are tough to treat and require a long-term relationship with acupuncture, so try not to be too discouraged if you’re struggling to find some relief right now. These small changes can help and, as always, feel free to reach out. It’s important that we all stay connected now more than ever, and once we’re able to meet in person, acupuncture, moxibustion and Chinese herbs can help get you back on track.

In health and wellness,

Julie Grogan