Radiant Sun Telemedicine

As we all navigate these uncertain times and adjust to some new normals, I've spent some time looking at new ways to stay connected with my patients and help you continue your wellness and acupuncture routine. Although we’ll continue to keep our physical doors closed until it’s safe to reopen, I’m offering some alternative ways to treat patients remotely, with no contact, from the safety of your own home. 

Introducing Radiant Sun Telemedicine
Your ears are a key part of acupuncture—they have points for your entire body! In lieu of traditional needle acupuncture, I’m offering three types of ear seeds for guided at-home treatment.


All kits include a free 20-minute consult so we can discuss how and where to use the seeds, as well as acupressure points, Qi Gong exercises or Eastern Dietary Therapy.

Ear seeds are small stickers with a seed or ball in the middle. They’re placed and painlessly pressed on specific points on your ear for 2-4 days, and can be worn while showering or bathing. Ear seeds can be used for most common conditions traditionally treated with acupuncture—so many that I couldn't list them all! Here are just a few.

All kits: Focus and memory, sleep/insomnia, smoking cessation, headaches, back pain, libido, weight loss, depression and anxiety

24K Gold & Stainless Steel treat all of those, plus: Motion sickness, premenstrual discomfort, constipation, heartburn, addiction (stainless steel only), hemorrhoids, allergies, immunity support, inflammation, cough

Please call or email to order or with any questions about other conditions that can be treated with these kits. While ear seeds aren’t as strong as regular acupuncture, they’re a great way to stay on track and maintain your balance while traditional appointments are on hold. 

In health and wellness, 

Julie Grogan