Reopening: Now Scheduling!


We are open! Thank you all for your patience and understanding over the past few months. I know there are many mixed emotions about our region reopening—from excitement to hesitation and everything in between. I’ve kept a close eye on our current phase and am happy to be able to safely reopen Radiant Sun Acupuncture and start scheduling appointments.

To make this transition comfortable for all of us, I wanted to share with you some of the changes and precautions you can expect during your appointment. 

What to expect at Radiant Sun Acupuncture:

  • Please wait in your car until your appointment time. The door will be locked to ensure only one patient is inside at a time and all appointments will be staggered so no patients overlap in the waiting room. Please consider coming alone—anyone with you will be asked to wait outside. 

  • I will meet you in the parking lot to take your temperature with a no-touch thermometer and ask a series of questions about your health and any COVID risks. If you are showing or suspect any symptoms of COVID, please contact me before your appointment. We will reschedule for a later date. This applies to both of us! If I show any symptoms, I will immediately cancel all appointments until I am cleared by my healthcare provider.

  • Masks are required and must fully cover the mouth and nose at all times. I also will wear a face shield, mask, gloves (that will be discarded/replaced every time I leave the room) and scrubs to further protect you. If you do not have a mask, I will provide you with a disposable one.

  • Please sanitize your hands when you enter and before you leave. Sanitizer will be available.

  • In addition to regular professional cleaning, the office will be sanitized and “reset” after every appointment. This includes immediately changing and laundering sheets. All surfaces, including counters, door handles, light switches, sinks, sink handles and any other areas touched by a patient, will be wiped down. Patients will rotate between two rooms to allow extra time for cleaning. 

  • No communal objects will be used. This means you will not be offered pens, waiting room magazines or beverages, and that you will not sign for credit-card payments. Please avoid paying with cash if possible.

  • You will be asked to sign a consent form before treatment, agreeing that we have taken all reasonable precautions to ensure your health and safety. 

  • Please be patient! I’m so happy to see your faces again! But of course we are all learning how to safely come back together, and your health and comfort are my priority. While this is a starting point, policies, precautions and reopening dates may need to be adjusted as things change.

And as always, please reach out with any questions, thoughts or concerns as we navigate this next step together. I look forward to seeing you and continuing to help you along your journey! 

In health and wellness, 

Welcome back! When you’re ready to get started, click here to talk to us about your wellness journey. 

Julie Grogan