Spring Cleaning

picture of lemons and cleaning spray

We definitely got a real taste of spring—maybe even summer!—last week, and for most people, that means a burst of spring cleaning to go along with it. But this year, how about adding some self-care? In Traditional Chinese Medicine, spring is a time of renewal, making it an ideal time to cleanse and breathe new life into your overall health and wellbeing. 

This season is bursting with new life and and new growth, and our bodies are seeking out the same balance. Here are some TCM-approved ways to spring clean your health and wellness this season. 

Schedule your spring acupuncture appointment! 
Whether you have a specific issue to treat, are ready to establish a regular appointment schedule or just want to make sure you get some you-time on the calendar, now is a great time to make sure you’re setting aside that time.

Clean out your pantry
Move over, heavy winter foods—it’s time to think all things green! TCM’s spring diet mimics what we see in nature, so this time of year, you want to eat more whole grains and vegetables, as well as sour flavors, which help the liver. Great additions to your diet include fennel, rice, buckwheat, spinach, plums, radish, garlic chives, vinegar, basil, sauerkraut, tomatoes, apples, black sesame seeds, broccoli, carrots, celery, cucumber, green tea and lemon. 

Declutter your space—and your time
Where do you spend your time and energy? Are there things you can let go of to make room for more enjoyable activities? For those who are physically able, it’s important to move your body (especially outdoors) and help move your Qi. If you’re feeling irritable, outside activities will help smooth out stagnant Qi.  

Pamper your liver and gallbladder
Really! In TCM, spring is the season of your liver and gallbladder. In addition to acupuncture, the foods listed above support those parts of your body, and bolstering your liver and gallbladder health can also help balance your emotions and stressors, like anger, depression, frustration and even indecisiveness, procrastination, and letting go of old habits or pain. The best thing you can do right now is increase your diet of fresh vegetables and sour foods, like lemon and sauerkraut. 

Let it go
With all of the rebirth happening around us, spring is one of the best times to work through our own challenges, as well. Focus on eating healthy, drinking lots of water, and avoiding caffeine and alcohol—then add in that physical activity. The gallbladder loves movement, and adding even simple stretches to your daily routine can help your brain and your body work through any emotions you might be hanging onto or struggling with. 

If I can leave you with one thing, it’s that spring is a time of movement and growth. Our bodies are ready for spring’s warmer weather—they’ve been preparing all winter. I hope you’re able to embrace the season and find the balance your body needs.

In health and wellness, 

Julie Grogan