How to Know It's Time for Acupuncture

A friend of mine recently had hip replacement surgery, and although her surgery went well, she came out of it with a side effect called drop foot, which is when the sciatic nerve is damaged and leaves the patient with temporarily weakened (or no) muscle control in the foot. In my friend’s case, she couldn’t hold her foot up for a few months after surgery and needed weeks of rehabilitation to begin regaining strength and the ability to walk normally. 

It was a long road! This story does have a happy ending, because she ultimately regained full use of her foot. But when I found out about her experience afterward, I wished I had known earlier—because acupuncture is an incredibly useful tool in healing nerve damage, especially of the sciatic nerve. 

It can be hard to know when to reach out for help beyond the western medicine we’re so accustomed to. My friend was in great hands, but one of acupuncture’s biggest benefits—especially in her specific situation—is that it can speed up the healing process.

I see this a lot. Patients moving slowly through appointments, medications and other interventions on a medical schedule that often doesn’t take into consideration the fuller picture of how our bodies respond to not only treatment but the injury itself. 

So how do you know when it’s time to bring a more holistic approach like acupuncture into your treatment plan? 

The answer is simple: Anytime! Acupuncture can be used as a stand-alone treatment or as a complement to other medical interventions. And although a long-term relationship with your acupuncturist is the best way to bring the practice into your wellness routine, it also can be used as needed to treat more acute ailments, like headaches, insomnia and even sunburn.

Here are a few of the more common reasons it’s time to schedule your next acupuncture appointment:

  • Traditional medical interventions aren’t giving you the results you want.

  • Your body isn’t responding to medications, or you’re looking to wean off or scale back. 

  • There’s been a change in your medical situation, such as a new diagnosis or release from treatment.

  • You find yourself supplementing or replacing medical treatment with at-home or DIY remedies.

More specifically, some ailments can be a sign it’s time to call, as well: 

  • You’re feeling tired often or find that you’re struggling to fall or stay asleep.

  • You’re experiencing frequent headaches or your headaches aren’t responding as well to over-the-counter medications. 

  • You’re planning to get pregnant, are pregnant or are undergoing fertility treatments. 

  • You’re experiencing recurring pain or discomfort, like backaches, muscle pain or arthritis.

  • You suffer from indigestion or heartburn. 

  • You’re feeling stressed, anxious or restless. 

Of course, that’s only a partial list of the many things acupuncture is used to treat. It’s also important that you and your doctor discuss your medical concerns in addition to your acupuncture treatments. 

There’s no wrong time for acupuncture, including reasons as simple as relaxation. Not only is it a great complement to any wellness plan, but it can work hand-in-hand with your existing treatments—and in many cases, give them a boost to get you rebalanced and feeling relief. 

In health and wellness, 

Julie Grogan