We’ve talked about diet in the colder months. But as temperatures continue to drop, it’s definitely time to take a look at your winter diet.
Read MoreDespite our best efforts, sometimes external factors just get the best of us. Strengthening your Qi through acupuncture is a great way to boost your immunity and fend off some of the more common external factors we see this time of year.
Read MoreWhen I chose a location for Radiant Sun Acupuncture, I knew I wanted to be in Penfield. This area is my home. It’s where my family is rooted, where my daughter goes to school and theater, where we live our lives. It was an easy decision!
Read MoreWe’ve already talked about some surprising things your acupuncturist can tell about your body just by checking your pulse. But there’s one weird little quirk that’s also key to untangling your body’s mysteries: your tongue!
Read MoreIf you’ve been to an acupuncturist, you probably had your pulse taken. That’s because the pulse provides a lot of information about your body: the state of your organs, your Qi, blood, yin, yang and overall constitution.
And, of course, those things are all interconnected. Here’s what we’re looking for.
Read MoreYou probably know that insomnia is a catch-all word for not being able to sleep. But it also includes being the inability to fall asleep easily, waking up during the night, sleeping restlessly, waking up too early and having your sleep disturbed by dreams.
Read MoreHave you ever wondered if acupuncture hurts? Or been afraid to try acupuncture in case it does? Most people associate needles with vaccines and blood work. But there’s a big difference between those needles and the (much thinner) ones we use.
Read MoreA Surprising Key to Good DigestioEveryone knows the stomach is involved in digestion. But did you know your spleen is, too?
Read MoreI get this question a lot in my practice, and there isn’t an easy answer. What is Qi? Simply, the Chinese symbol for Qi is formed by two elements: the first means air, life breath, steam or gas, and the second represents rice or grains.
Read MoreI know: Medical expenses can be a daunting thing to think about. Sometimes the costs associated with your wellness routine can feel like a roadblock to getting the treatment you need.
Read MoreAcupuncture is at its best when used to prevent problems, and a monthly visit can go a long way toward keeping you healthy the majority of the time. The body is like a car. Would you expect your car to run well if you never changed its oil, replaced its filters or performed other preventative maintenance?
Read MoreIn many climates, autumn is characterized by the start of drying and cooling. This time of year is said to be the Yin within Yang. We’ve talked about how Taoist Yin and Yang concepts balance the light and dark found in nature, but in Traditional Chinese Medicine, they also define the two types of energy.
Read MoreHow would you like to spend less time feeling sick this winter? Did you know your secret weapon could be … a scarf? According to Traditional Chinese Medicine, you can greatly reduce your chance of catching the common cold simply by covering your neck.
Read MoreYou’re probably familiar with the shapes of Yin and Yang: intertwined, representing the dark and light sides of nature. But these symbols carry a much deeper and more significant meaning, and they’re a significant part of finding balance through acupuncture.
Read MoreDo you suffer from dull, achy pain whenever it rains? Have you gained weight recently? Many people suffer from something called “dampness.” In Chinese Medicine, dampness is considered an “evil” or a pathogen that invades the body, much like the invasion of a cold germ.
Read MoreOne of my daughter’s favorite shows is “Dear Evan Hansen,” so the music is a regular presence in our house. In the song “To Break in a Glove,” one of the characters teaches Evan about persistence and patience through the process of slowly breaking in a new baseball glove. It’s the hard way, he sings, but it’s the right way.
Read MoreDid you know acupuncture can combat hair loss? I love seeing the results of regular appointments, and treatment for hair loss is one of the most visible ways to see acupuncture in action.
Read MoreApril 2019 Newsletter
Did you know that a lot of painful conditions arise from an unhealthy diet and digestion?
Read MoreHaving trouble sleeping? Acupuncture is amazing for insomnia! One woman that I treat had suffered from insomnia for close to 40 years.
Read MoreThe Women's Health Collaborative held a meet and greet today. It was so great to come together and talk about what we all do to help women. Thanks to everyone who braved the cold and rainy weather to meet us! Our group consists of myself, a physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor problems, a nutritionist, a lactation consultant, a chiropractor specializing in pregnant and post-partum women, two yoga instructors (one of whom is a doula and the other specializes in pregnant women) and a massage therapist specializing in pregnant and post-partum women. All of us specialize in women’s health. I invite you to watch the video and meet the group!
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