Did you know that many women suffer from pelvic and perineal pain? There are many causes for such pain, including traumatic injuries, giving birth, loose ligaments, aging, sexual abuse and even emotions. Women often suffer in silence because they are embarrassed about it.
Read MoreI am excited to announce the first workshop held by the Women's Health Collaborative! We are a group of female professionals who are dedicated to meeting the needs of women, in particular those who are pregnant or post-natal.
Read MoreOne of the perks of being an acupuncturist is that I can treat myself when something goes wrong. Today, I experienced the classic signs of the start of a migraine, particularly the visual aura. As soon as the aura started, I popped in a needle at a point called Du 20, located in the center of the top of the head. Du 20 is known as the Point of Hundred Meetings because numerous channels meet at this point.
Read MoreMy daughter, Haley Grogan, agreed to perform a video tour of Radiant Sun Acupuncture!
Read MoreThanks so much to everyone who came out in support of Radiant Sun Acupuncture’s open house and ribbon cutting ceremony held on June 5, 2018!
Read MoreOn Saturday, I had the pleasure of attending the CURE Childhood Cancer Association's 5K Run and Fun Walk at Seneca Park.
Read MoreI recently gave a talk to the Victor-Farmington Rotary about acupuncture.
Read MoreDo you suffer from fibromyalgia? Full body pain? Did you know that your symptoms can be helped with two needles in your head?
Read MoreDid you know that acupuncture is a highly effective method for quitting smoking? The average smoker, when going through the withdrawal period, can suffer through up to 20 cravings a day. Acupuncture can reduce these cravings to five to six per day.
Read MoreCold season is definitely upon us! And unfortunately, it’s not uncommon to be exposed to two cold viruses at once, creating what can feel like an endless cycle of head cold after head cold this time of year.
Read MoreSome people are afraid of needles, and because of this, they would never consider getting acupuncture because needles are used during the treatment.
Read MoreDid you know that acupuncture is great for relieving headaches? It does this naturally, without drugs, and helps your body shift into a more relaxed state.
Read MoreDid you know that there's an amazing acupuncture point for low back pain located in the middle of the back of your knee?
Read MoreHave you heard that cupping is great for back pain?
Read MoreThere is a powerful acupuncture point located a little below your knee that treats your entire abdomen and is great for digestive problems! This point is called Stomach 36 and is also known as “Zu San Li” or “Leg Three Miles.”
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