Traditional Chinese Medicine includes some great points you can use right at home to help calm your mind and ease anxiety. Hall of Impressions and Union Valley are two good points to start with.
Read MoreThis season is bursting with new life and and new growth, and our bodies are seeking out the same balance. Here are some TCM-approved ways to spring clean your health and wellness this season.
Read MoreThere’s always a lot of talk about supplements, and while some can be a healthy addition to your diet, some are more powerful (and safer) than others. My favorite is magnesium—a powerhouse supplement that brings a long list of benefits.
Read MoreWe all know winter means snow, cold, wind and shorter days. Those are the obvious external factors acupuncture helps your body navigate so you can stay healthy and balanced this time of year.
Read MoreTwo things we all could use more of these days? Energy to get through the holiday season and better digestion to keep us feeling well after all those holiday meals! And acupuncture can help with that.
Read MoreOne of the best ways we can improve focus is by quieting distractions, and that applies to our bodies as well as our minds. Let’s take a look at why, and four ways acupuncture can help.
Read MorePlenty of people are scared of acupuncture. Whether they’re scared of needles or doubtful of acupuncture’s benefits, their reasons are very real and often valid. Let’s put you at ease so you can reap acupuncture’s benefits without the panic.
Read MorePumpkin is everywhere this time of year. And this fall staple of the American diet packs a powerful punch in Traditional Chinese Medicine!
Read MoreStudies have found that Chinese medicine can reduce upper respiratory tract infections and shorten illnesses. And Traditional Chinese Medicine, including acupuncture, can even be an effective way to stop the common cold in its tracks.
Read MoreLots of people think of acupuncture only when something is wrong, but our bodies work best when they’re taken care of all along.
Read MoreWe've covered what to eat in winter and fall when our weather is cooler. So with the sun shining and the weather hot, let's talk about what foods will keep you balanced this summer.
Read MoreI read an interesting note in a WebMD article the other day: back pain is the #1 reason people turn to acupuncture. And while they didn't really back that up, as an acupuncturist, it certainly feels true.
Read MoreDid you know I got into acupuncture because of my own chronic pain? I don't get too personal here, but long before I was an acupuncturist, acupuncture changed my life.
Read MoreThere are hundreds of acupuncture points in Traditional Chinese Medicine. But for me, five of them are pretty special—and one of them is a powerhouse point that’s used with almost every acupuncture treatment.
Read MoreAs we start to come out on the other side of COVID, I’ve realized acupuncture has a place in helping our community post-pandemic, too. (Of course it does!)
Read MoreFear of the unknown is a very real thing, and if your only experience with needles has been in the doctor’s office, it’s fair to be nervous about acupuncture. Here are four tips to help calm your nerves.
Read MoreHappy Earth Day! I hope you’re finding ways to celebrate and help our planet today, and that you’ve found a little sunshine while you’re outside. This year, I’m marking Earth Day with balance.
Read MoreLot of people come to their first appointment wanting to know how they’re going to feel after they’re done. Here are some common things you can expect.
Read MoreSome of acupuncture’s best benefits are for less acute needs—like relaxation, emotional wellness and, yes, even looking younger.
Read MoreWhat is dry needling? It’s similar to acupuncture in that it uses needles to address pain points in the body. But that’s where the similarities end. Let’s take a look at important differences—and a word of caution.
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